mrfioc2  2.3.0
Typedefs | Functions
Time Stamp


typedef void(* EVR::eventCallback) (void *userarg, epicsUInt32 event)


virtual void EVR::setSourceTS (TSSource)=0
 Select source which increments TS counter. More...
virtual TSSource EVR::SourceTS () const =0
virtual double EVR::clockTS () const =0
virtual void EVR::clockTSSet (double)=0
virtual epicsUInt32 EVR::tsDiv () const =0
 When using internal TS source gives the divider from event clock period to TS period. More...
virtual bool EVR::interestedInEvent (epicsUInt32 event, bool set)=0
virtual bool EVR::TimeStampValid () const =0
virtual IOSCANPVT EVR::TimeStampValidEvent () const =0
virtual bool EVR::getTimeStamp (epicsTimeStamp *ts, epicsUInt32 event)=0
virtual bool EVR::getTicks (epicsUInt32 *tks)=0
virtual IOSCANPVT EVR::eventOccurred (epicsUInt32 event) const =0
virtual void EVR::eventNotifyAdd (epicsUInt32 event, eventCallback, void *)=0
virtual void EVR::eventNotifyDel (epicsUInt32 event, eventCallback, void *)=0

Detailed Description

Configuration and access to the hardware timestamp

Typedef Documentation

◆ eventCallback

typedef void(* EVR::eventCallback) (void *userarg, epicsUInt32 event)

Definition at line 158 of file evr.h.

Function Documentation

◆ clockTS()

virtual double EVR::clockTS ( ) const
pure virtual

Find current TS settings

Clock rate in Hz

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ clockTSSet()

virtual void EVR::clockTSSet ( double  )
pure virtual

Set TS frequency

clkClock rate in Hz

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ eventNotifyAdd()

virtual void EVR::eventNotifyAdd ( epicsUInt32  event,
eventCallback  ,
void *   
pure virtual

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ eventNotifyDel()

virtual void EVR::eventNotifyDel ( epicsUInt32  event,
eventCallback  ,
void *   
pure virtual

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ eventOccurred()

virtual IOSCANPVT EVR::eventOccurred ( epicsUInt32  event) const
pure virtual

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ getTicks()

virtual bool EVR::getTicks ( epicsUInt32 *  tks)
pure virtual

Returns the current value of the Timestamp Event Counter

tksPointer to be filled with the counter value
false if the counter value is not valid

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ getTimeStamp()

virtual bool EVR::getTimeStamp ( epicsTimeStamp *  ts,
epicsUInt32  event 
pure virtual

Gives the current time stamp as sec+nsec

tsThis pointer will be filled in with the current time
eventN<=0 Return the current wall clock time
eventN>0 Return the time the most recent event # N was received.
true When ts was updated
false When ts could not be updated

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ interestedInEvent()

virtual bool EVR::interestedInEvent ( epicsUInt32  event,
bool  set 
pure virtual

Indicate (lack of) interest in a particular event code. This allows an EVR to ignore event codes which are not needed.

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ setSourceTS()

virtual void EVR::setSourceTS ( TSSource  )
pure virtual

Select source which increments TS counter.

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ SourceTS()

virtual TSSource EVR::SourceTS ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ TimeStampValid()

virtual bool EVR::TimeStampValid ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ TimeStampValidEvent()

virtual IOSCANPVT EVR::TimeStampValidEvent ( ) const
pure virtual

Implemented in EVRMRM.

◆ tsDiv()

virtual epicsUInt32 EVR::tsDiv ( ) const
pure virtual

When using internal TS source gives the divider from event clock period to TS period.

Implemented in EVRMRM.